WIP? What WIP?

Who cares how many WIPs (work in progress) they have going when there are cool new patterns to fall in love with and yarn to buy? Priorities, you know.

I found a lovely pattern called Bounce from Tin Can Knits. It is for a baby afghan but I couldn’t resist. I did a little math to make it full size, bought the yarn and, just over a month later, I have a beautiful afghan for my son and daughter-in-law. They are getting ready to move into a new home and this will make a wonderful housewarming gift. My mother said it makes her think of an ebb tide.

So, I ask you, why worry about WIPs when there are so many wonderful patterns and yarns out there?



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2 Responses to WIP? What WIP?

  1. salpal1 says:

    very nice – and amazing how fast you did it!

  2. babywren says:

    I was surprised how quickly I finished it. (I crocheted an afghan that took me a total of ten years once, that was amazing because I still had the pattern and enough yarn after letting it sit for such a long time!)

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